Monday, May 7, 2012

Looks like we are BOTH going ... :)

It came today!  Thank you so much for your prayers … I was so happy to find it in the mailbox this afternoon.  Daniel went to visit his Granny overnight … so I sent him this picture to surprise him!

The passport was the last thing that needed to fall in place … other than the other ½ of the financial support! 

Since I had my passport and we only have half of our funding, the big joke was that only one of us was going to be able to go. But we are not sweating it – we know that God is in control and He is working all things together for our good and HIS glory!
We are planning to do nothing but focus on each other this weekend… as we celebrate our 5 year anniversary!  I am looking forward to a weekend full of surprises … not sure what Dano has planned.  I stand in awe of all that the Lord has done over these past 5 years - the BEAUTY that He has made out of the ashes!  Who would have ever thought that almost 5 years later to the day - we would be leaving on this journey?
With only 3 weeks to go, our time is really winding down.  We have our anniversary this weekend, a weekend of tubing/lake time planned for next weekend, and then that’s it!  I can hardly believe that 3 weeks from today … I will be posting from HONDURAS!
Will you join me in praying for a few things?
  • Please pray that everything will wrap up smoothly with school for me.  The last day of school is the Friday before we leave ... so that will be a very busy week for me.
  • Please pray that everything goes smoothly for Daniel as he wraps up things here with his landscaping business. 
  • Please pray for traveling mercies and for everything to go smoothly on our way there (and back) ... but specifically for our luggage to make it to San Pedro.  We are taking some clothes in our carry ons bags just incase.
  • Please pray for us as we prepare over the next 3 weeks.  There is nothing that the enemy would want more than to try to cause a divide between us.  We recognize that we are going to be tested and the next few weeks will be stressful and hard.  This journey includes very real spiritual warfare ... but we are praying it through and sticking together.  (Ephesians 6:12)
  • Please pray for Rick and Kim Beck.  This is the couple that will be hosting us in Honduras.  Pray for their hearts to be prepared to minister to us.  Kim and I have been e-mailing back and forth this week ... and I already love her to pieces!  Fun fact - found out today that they have an Australian Shepherd and have been breeding them for 25 years!  Looks like Macie might need to take a trip with us soon!
Thank you for all of your support and prayers.  We have people tell us everyday that they are praying for us ... and it means more to us than you know!  We are so eager to get there and get this chapter of our life started.
You will keep in perfect peace
those whose minds are steadfast,
because they trust in you.
Isaiah 26:3

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