Wednesday, January 31, 2018

No More Plans

"For as long as the Lord keeps us there" ...

That was always our answer.

Anytime anyone asked us how long we planned to stay in Honduras, we never hesitated to respond.

It was never a question in our minds.

We didn't have a back-up plan.

We did not have a home in the States to return to or jobs lined up to go back to when we "got this out of our system".

We didn't sign up for a definite term or have a contract to be on the field for "x" amount of years.

We knew God said GO and for us that was it.

And for us, we just knew that Honduras would be home for a long, long time.

We spent 6 years envisioning life there as a family, imagining how The Lord would grow us there, & excited for all that He would do for us & others as we built our life there.

When we finally arrived in August, it felt amazing to finally exhale & begin settling into life at the Camp.

Little did we know, it would only be for 3 months.


Through this transition, we have experienced every emotion possible.

(If you haven't heard our news about Honduras, click here: )

Grief, sadness, frustration, anxiety & confusion.

Those emotions have been hard to shake.

It's taken it's toll on our family & marriage.

We have had to really dig deep to push through the moments that have consumed our minds.

Once we chose to step back & really see our situation with eyes of faith & not sight, we have started to feel different emotions beginning to be restored.

Excitement, hope, expectation, faith and joy.

We have decided as a family to stand back up & begin taking steps forward into what is next for us.

And we can now say, "it is well".

We DID stay in Honduras for as long as He kept us there.

Our answer wasn't wrong.

It just was not what we thought it meant.


This unexpected change of plans has been a great reminder to our hearts that we serve a BIG God who is before all things & in HIM all things hold together (Colossians 1:17).

It has also brought us to a place where we are done with plans.

We have decided that the only plan we have moving forward to is to continuously fix our gaze on the One that has the master plan.

If we make every effort to keep Him at the center of it all, there will be no plan or dream that we hold too tightly to anymore.

We will gladly choose surrender & fully believe that His plan is better.

Jeremiah 29:11 has assured our hearts that HE KNOWS.

So we don't have to know.

And we have found freedom in actually living out that truth.

We can stand confidently as we face the days ahead because the very same God that opened doors and moved mountains to get our family to Honduras is going to make a way to get us to the next assignment.

An assignment that we are determined not to pridefully take on as our own.

As assignment that we are going to hold on to loosely.

But also choose to give it all that we've got to give.

Our answer has not & will not change.

We will stay there as long as He has for us to be there.

But the position of our hearts has forever changed.

Whether it is for 3 months, 3 years or 3 decades ... we are ready to give up control of this next chapter & see what He has for us next.

We leave next week for a 5 day vision trip to Puerto Rico.  We are excited to experience the culture of Puerto Rico as we scout out a possible area to live & begin ministry.

We are praying for The Lord to give us faith to continue taking steps forward & to give us a heart for Puerto Rico.

Please pray with us.

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