Tuesday, May 16, 2017

New Plan. Same Purpose.

"What's the plan?"

Those three words come out of my mouth more than I would like to admit.

Truly, it is part of my daily vocabulary.

There is a running joke between us & our pastor from SC that I am the "world's biggest planner".

While that can be a really great quality to have in ministry, it is not always a good thing.

It has been the running theme in my relationship with Christ ... He is constantly teaching me & reminding me that MY plan is not THE plan.

We are finding ourselves yet again in the position to have to walk by faith & trust that The Lord's plan is bigger & better than any plan we may have for our lives.


We started our year in language school with a "plan".

We knew that we were stepping out in faith in January because we were not fully funded & did not have the entire amount needed for a full year of tuition at language school.

We have waited expectantly for the Lord to provide & meet our needs in the last 6 months.

He has been SO faithful.

As the first trimester came to a close, we took a look at our account & monthly giving.

We realized that we did not have enough in our account to cover a third trimester.

We began to pray & really seek Godly counsel on how to proceed.

As the last two weeks have unfolded, it has become very clear that our time in Costa Rica will come to an end after the second trimester ends in August.


So what's next?!

We will be MOVING to Honduras 
at the end of August!

(well ... hopefully!)

In order to transition directly from Costa Rica to Honduras, we must be 100% funded.

What does that mean? 

We have a monthly need in order to maintain our cost of living & ministry expenses while living full-time in Honduras.  That monthly budget covers our cost of living, ministry expenses, retirement, and health benefits as well as administrative services through Youth For Christ.

What have we raised?

As of May 15th, we have met 74% of our monthly need for full-time ministry in Honduras.

So how does that work?

We currently have 49 monthly partners on our ministry team.

Those families, individuals, and churches have all taken a step of faith & made an investment into the ministry that God has placed on our hearts.

We are SO thankful for the amount of encouragement & support that our ministry team has shown us over the last year.  God has been so faithful to lead others to join us on this journey of faith!

We need monthly partners to help meet the remaining 26% of our monthly need for full-time ministry to be able to begin in August.

If we do not reach 100%, we will have to come back to the States to finish fundraising.

That would really be hard on us because we would not have easy access to continue learning Spanish or to practice what we have learned in language school.

We ask you from the bottom of our hearts to please pray with us that this need is met by August 1st.

If you will commit to praying with our family,  please leave a comment on this Facebook post to show us that you are joining us in prayer & believing The Lord to meet our need!

It would be such a faith builder for us to see a community of loved ones rallying around our family & God's ministry!

While you pray for our need, please also pray for The Lord to lead you to possibly partner with us in one of the following ways:

  • Connect us to any pastors/churches that may have an interest in learning more about Youth For Christ's ministry in Honduras

  • Connect us to any individuals/families that may have a desire to reach the nations with the gospel & would like to partner with us financially or by coming to serve in Honduras

  • Organize a team from your Sunday School Class, Small Group, or Church to come to serve at the camp in Honduras so you can see the ministry first-hand

  • Partner with our family on a monthly basis by giving any amount!  Each monthly gift (right now our monthly gifts are ranging from $20-$500) is one step closer to reaching 100% & starting full-time ministry in August


This is SUCH an exciting time for our family.  

The Lord placed His calling on our lives 5 years ago when we first served at the camp in Honduras.  

To see it finally coming together & to know that our life is FINALLY going to begin there in 3 months leaves us without words.

Thank you for praying with us!

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